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Upscale Your Oil Analysis Interpretation Skills

It’s observed that approximately 90 to 95% of businesses utilize oil analysis. Oil analysis interpretation is a crucial process in the field of maintenance and reliability engineering, specifically for machinery and equipment that rely on lubricating oils for optimal performance. More often than not, employees scan the report, looking for alarming red or yellow boxes. If they spot a red box, the usual response is to change the oil. Afterwards, the report typically gets filed away, largely forgotten.

This behaviour is unfortunate because the true value of oil analysis lies not in the immediate results, but in their interpretation. By learning to read oil sample reports accurately, maintenance teams can diagnose issues early, make informed decisions, and prevent catastrophic failures.

The good news is, this interpretation doesn't require additional spending! In this engaging 45 minutes session, learn how to read and interpret oil analysis reports to make informed maintenance decisions.

Unlock the secrets of interpreting oil sample reports with our informative webinar, featuring real-world scenarios. In this engaging session, there is a step-by-step walkthrough on:Upscale Your Oil Analysis

  • An introduction to oil condition monitoring basics
  • Basic & advanced oil analysis test parameter
  • Different oil analysis tests and their significance
  • Sampling techniques
  • How to set the alarm limits for different tests
  • Test slate selection for critical equipment
  • Importance of regular oil analysis as a preventive maintenance tool

You will learn how to convert oil analysis recommendations into maintenance recommendations. This webinar is not just a tutorial; it's a learning experience. Participants are encouraged to think critically about the presented data and draw their own conclusions before the final reveal. Whether you're a seasoned engineer or new to the field of oil analysis, this webinar offers valuable insights.

What our customers say

Able to analyze the lubrication failures in better way. Can imagine the surroundings at manufacturing units and get to the root of lubrication related problems in a better way.

Tilak Patel

Reliability Engineer, Reliance Industries